
Lifelong learning.
Worldclass results.

Applications are available by registering for an application session.

Registration will open on the FIRST Wednesday of the month.
Applications will be administered on the SECOND Wednesday of the month at:

Pipe Fitters’ Training Center Local Union 597, 10850 W. 187th St. Mokena IL. 60448 (North Side Entrance)

Requirements: An Applicant will be issued an application upon arrival at the Training Center by fulfilling these requirements:

  1. Complete the online reservation form for an application date and time. Link below.
  2. $20.00 non-refundable application fee. (HVAC or Building Trades) (Cash or Money Order only, NO personal checks)
  3. Copy of birth certificate.
  4. Copy of high school diploma or GED certificate.
    • A High school senior may apply with a letter from the school stating they are on track to graduate.
  5. Copy of the valid driver’s license for the state in which you reside.

Pipe Fitters’ Local Union 597 utilizes a third party testing company to perform aptitude testing.
The company provides a study guide for a fee of $20.00.  An applicant may purchase this at the Training Center
at the time of application, or send in a purchase order form to the testing company which is provided with the application.

An applicant is required to complete the application on site.


Upon completion, an applicant will receive a Personal Experience Form (PEF).  The PEF is to be completed at home.  Once the PEF is returned to the Training Center, in person or US Postal service (Certified/Return Receipt is suggested) and is reviewed and considered complete, the applicant will be sent via US Postal Service Certified/Return Receipt, an examination date and time.

An accepted candidate will be required to take both a urine and hair follicle drug test.

Any applicant who fails to meet all of the requirements listed above will not be permitted to fill out an application.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Admissions Director, Adam Sutter at (708) 326-9239, or via e-mail at asutter@pftf597.org.

Pipe Fitters’ Local Union 597 is an Equal Opportunity Employer:

“The JATC will not discriminate against apprenticeship applicants or apprentices based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, genetic information, or because they are an individual with a disability or a person 40 years old or older. The JATC will take affirmative action to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and will operate the apprenticeship program as required under Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 30.”


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